Well here we are. The very first post of the page. I’d like to dedicate this page to the projects I’ve planned – including this one, and share with the world how I am accomplishing these goals now.
I first started this task by laying out 10 goals, no matter the size, for the year. I felt like this was a good way to think things through and help set things to a priority.
The list:
1. Draw Everyday. Because it will help you grow at art.
2. Do D&D. Because growing your imagination keeps you sane.
3. Learn Blender. Because I want to make 3D art.
4. Read more. Because I need to let my brain grow.
5. Learn Work Technology. Because it lets me do more.
6. Play board games. Because it helps me make time for others.
7. Do yoga. Because it helps me listen to my body.
8. Learn and make art. Because you’ve always wanted to.
9. Get off the PC more often. Because you love those around you more.
10. Improve at something each day. Because it helps you feel alive.
Once I was able to lay this out in a simple language I then took the task of considering how this would be done.
The plan:
These 10 items were broken into the 4 projects to revolve around a main goal to where I could make subgoals and eventually hit that goal. To that I was able to sit down and create a ton of tasks in Microsoft To Do. I am able to use OneNote to take notes and add more To Do tasks from my research.

I’ve been able to keep up with the list pretty well. Some items have due dates where other are when I can. It is easier to keep up with the daily tasks whereas I haven’t broken into many of the tasks without a due date.
Results so far:
I’ve been able to continue reading each day. I am finding that I do not stay consistent with which books I read or spend time in. This isn’t really a downside but can cause me to put a book down longer than normal.
Out of the 60 books I want to read by the end of the year I have completed reading 6 books by the end of January.
Reading has also helped me contribute more at work. I feel like more of a subject matter expert than knowing just enough to get by.
My art has improved. Being more focused on drawing everyday had helped a lot! I have kept up drawing each day in 2025 (currently Feb 9th 2025). I found on low energy days it was okay to just work on a piece that was in progress or sketch fundamentals. Here are some pieces I’ve done so far!

I still need to sit down and learn Blender. Procreate, I feel, has been more approachable about learning. Aside from that I haven’t had much of a focus on music, guitar, piano as I had hoped. Looking to see how I can incorporate more of that into the schedule.
I’ve played some sort of a board game/card game everyday. I find it helps me pull out of the rut of isolation I can get into. Even if I’m not winning, I know I’m at least having a good time. I really enjoy challenging those who are close to me. Knowing that they are constantly improving at their methods as well.
House upkeep:
This one isn’t as exciting or fun but I’ve been able to stick to cleaning more consistently. I’ve kept my space organized. I still have items I need to figure out how to setup – however I am not sure if my computer desk has much life left in it so I’m holding off on any major organization or customization (like finally 3 printing a mount for my sound card).
I’ve found mostly victories so far. Its nice to see results at the end of a month. I’m really excited to see what the end of the year will look like.
Til next time
Ayren The Wolf